Returned from Wrightsville Beach last night.
Uploaded updated checklist [V9].
Progress today
Further polished the bar end weights (which didn’t improve much), clutch lever (excellent), and passenger grab rails, which look about right now.
Cleaned out the clutch master cylinder reservoir. Used a brass wire brush and a lot of brake cleaner to get all the gunk.
Disassembled the working parts of the master cylinder. It was a challenge and a little intimidating. First dug out the rotted rubber boot. Then had to clean and pick quite a bit before I could even see the circlip. Got that out and found the piston assembly was seized/locked in place. Eventually gently pounded it out from the other (banjo bolt) end. Parts were highly gunked and metal somewhat corroded. After basic cleaning, I test fitted them back in the cylinder, and the piston would not slide in the bore. The inside of the cylinder had some crunchy deposits.
Sanded, wirebrushed, and buffed/polished the piston and cleaned the spring.
Rubber seals look ok and fit well. Scraped and cleaned the inside of the cylinder bore. Reassembled all the parts and then had excellent, smooth action.
Installed lever and switch to the master. Fitted new master diaphragm and cover screws. Not yet loaded with brake fluid and needs new external boot.
Installed clutch master assembly on the left handlebar. Connected clutch switch wires and installed the stainles braided line with the new banjo bolt and washers. Had to rotate the fitting about 90deg to get the right angle on it. Fitted new handlebar grip.